1 min readJun 22, 2021

ERNIE AND ERNESTINA: The Writer, His Wife, and their Afterlife

Book One, Part Two, Chapter 85: The Two-Faced Woman

Six or seven years before he died Ernie dreamed this dream, which he told me upon awakening.

A man is standing behind me. I can’t see him. A two-faced woman, with the faces of both Nicole Kidman and you, is standing in front of me. The man asks this woman about her feelings for me. I can’t hear her answer, but the man says: “It’s perfectly clear to me this woman is totally in love with you.” I say to him. “I don’t believe it.”

Sometimes I wrote down our dreams in a notebook, as I did this one. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t remember it. At the time, I didn’t think about it. It went under the rug. Now, I realize how telling it is. How powerful it is. How revealing of Ernie’s feelings and thoughts.

In our life together, I don’t remember ever saying to Ernie: “I love you.” I didn’t think I needed to. I thought it was obvious. I thought to speak of love was schmaltzy.

I did have two faces, didn’t I? I wasn’t the person I pretended to be, and I didn’t even know I was pretending.

Ernie knew, didn’t he? At least, his subconscious knew. And his subconscious was never that far away from him.


Written by Ernestina

My writer husband’s favorite nickname for me was Ernestina, so in this 2-book memoir, he is Ernie. This is his story, our story, and my story. I invite you in.

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