ERNIE AND ERNESTINA: The Writer, His Wife, and their Afterlife
Book One, Part Two, Chapter 133: Delay
Joshua’s feeling frustrated.
“It’s been almost four months since I signed the original sales contract on the Charles Street house, and I’ve signed three extensions since then. I’m planning to come in just after Thanksgiving to work on it. Will it be mine by then? I can’t plan my life with this up in the air. Will you call Cindi and find out what’s up?”
I call Cindi immediately. “Joshua wonders if this deal will ever go through. Will it?”
Cindi has the latest information at her fingertips. “The title has been cleared. The deed is drawn up, and after the judge signs it, the deed can be recorded. It should all be done in two or three weeks.”
I hang up. Afterward, I question myself. Was I too strident with Cindi? Too harsh? Why upset Cindi? She’s helped us all along the way, with no pay as yet. Plus, the delay has worked to Joshua’s advantage — he found the second Volvo.
I tell myself: Give yourself at least one minute of calm before making any phone call. In fact, give yourself time before you say anything to anyone. You’re too quick. Your sharp tongue works before your mind does.
Habits of a lifetime are hard to break. But Ernie always said: “Good habits are as hard to break as bad habits.”
Will I be able to get in the habit of thinking before I speak? Remember, I tell myself, it takes six seconds for the brain to register complex thoughts and feelings. Give yourself those six seconds. In fact, give yourself more than six seconds. Try overnight.